Developer experience
Formatting and linting
Keeping a consistent formatting on your code helps developers focus on adding features.
Consistent code base
Tools for formatting (make formatting changes) or linting (indicate changes) should be set up in the code base in a way that every developer that works in the project has to follow them. Generally it is a good practice to follow rules set by the framework being built on.
PHP / Laravel
For PHP and Laravel there is Laravel Pint to help with the code base.
JavaScript / TypeScript
For JavaScript and TypeScript there are both Prettier for formatting your code and ESLint to maintain patterns in your code. When using both it's important to make sure they don't conflict. It's recommended to use configs like eslint-config-prettier to make sure that does not happen.
GitHub Actions
To enforce formatting and linting, add a GitHub Action that fails when rules are not met. Make sure that it is run on pull requests to make sure the developer is noticed before merging in to main
{ "scripts": { "lint:test": "eslint . --ext=.ts", "format:test": "prettier --check ." }}
name: Eslinton: push: branches: - main pull_request: branches: - mainjobs: eslint: runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v4 - name: Install dependencies run: yarn install --frozen-lockfile - name: Lint run: yarn lint:test
name: Prettieron: push: branches: - main pull_request: branches: - mainjobs: prettier: runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v4 - name: Install dependencies run: yarn install --frozen-lockfile - name: Prettier run: yarn format:test
name: Laravel Pinton: push: branches: - main pull_request: branches: - mainjobs: Test: runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: - name: Check out repository code uses: actions/checkout@v4 - name: Setup PHP 8.2 uses: shivammathur/setup-php@v2 with: php-version: '8.2' - name: Install Dependencies run: composer install -q --no-ansi --no-interaction --no-scripts --no-progress - name: Check code style run: ./vendor/bin/pint --test --preset laravel
To do
Tools to make sure the code linting and formatting is followed are set up.
Linting and formatting are documented in the